About Us

chickpea magazine

Chickpea is a vegan food & writing publication, here to bring whole-foods cooking & living to a beautiful, practical level. We aim to help you be more conscious in your habits, live more DIY, inspire you to cook more, and get offline and enjoy something beautiful.

Our issues are filled with evergreen recipes, DIY projects, personal stories, how-to guides, and articles on important topics. We're not a news magazine - think of us more like a timely, mini-cookbook/coffee table book.

Our print issues are made with gorgeous, thick matte paper, meant to last for years to come; our digital issues are easy to read on tablet, laptop, or computer alike.



Ads are everywhere we look in today's world; commoditizing every surface is something we as a society have gotten used to. People tell us all the time to just run ads in our mag to make money, saying "there's no way to avoid it" or "it's inevitable." We completely reject the idea of "having" to include ads in our pages. Why should you "have to" pay to buy a product (our magazine) and then pay AGAIN by having to look at ads on every page? Most magazines intrinsically link their content and ads, so that even though you may not be looking at a traditional ad, they're incorporating that product into their recipe or feature. Their content is anywhere from 40-75% advertising. (Yes, we checked.) We are not beholden to any company or sponsor, just to you - our readers. Every dollar we make is from the issues we sell, whether to stores or to you through our online shop.

Similarly, we do not believe in following a trend just to get more eyeballs on our pages and money in our pockets. Many popular magazines fall victim to fad diets, "wellness" healing, and product-based solutions to all your problems. (What is a chemical, anyway?) They appeal to the most insecure parts of ourselves so that they can sell you more fake medicine. We strive to give actionable, realistic advice based on things we've done in our own lives, without turning to psuedoscience - and do our best to give reputable sources for any claims we make.

We don't come from the publishing industry. We are artists and home cooks who are passionate about our work and our integrity. We may not know much about business or conversion rates, but we know how to share our stories and food with like-minded friends, and that's what matters to us.


Most magazines make content just to sell you something. That may be a product, an idea, or a lifestyle - ones you may not be able to afford, but desperately want because of the power of marketing. "Simple Magazine" may say it's simple, but it feeds you features meant to induce fear and anxiety so that you're more likely to buy - or at least, strive to buy. (In case you can't afford that top that costs $500.)

They jump on expensive trends, like bluetooth-enabled yoga pants (literally, this was in an issue of a major publication recently) for "wellness"'s sake, which feeds into the capitalistic cycle of insecurity>want>buy/can't afford>more insecurity.

We only include brand names rarely, when we have an absolute love for it and think you would benefit from our recommendation - not because we're paid to.

Our issues are designed to be evergreen - which means, they are not designed to add to our landfills as soon as you're done reading them. The content inside can be revisited at any time, or shared with a friend, or donated to your local library. We aim to make work that still applies five, ten, or decades in the future. (And try to match that with our printing quality.)


Most magazines have large teams and departments for each aspect of their business. Chickpea has a core team of three people and a rotating crew of contributors.

While most magazines have an obsession with celebrity and big names to attract readers and money, we are only interested in the lives of those around us - meaning, the people we can actually relate to: our contributors, and our readers.

It's part of our core mission to have our content come from our readers. We were tired of seeing only polished professionals in every magazine we read, where the content ending up being quite homogenous. We actively look for contributors from all skill levels, all locations, all income levels, all genders, and all races. They are most often not only our writers and photographers, but our readers as well. (Head here to send in your ideas, if you want to work with us!)


The imagery we create is from independent artists, no cheesy stock photography or regurgitated photography from other cookbooks and blogs.

It may make us less business, but we don't include any of those annoying paper inserts to subscribe to our magazine in any of our pages. We want you to have a clean reading experience, with no distractions.

Our covers are designed to be beautiful on your coffee table, not just entice you to buy at the newsstand with provocative article titles.

Mainstream magazines cram tidbits of information into every nook and cranny in their layouts. Reading is supposed to be a source of rest, at least from our point of view. So we design our pages to have breathing room, our photographs are there to entice you to make our recipes, and nothing is too polished as to retain the humanity of our work.

Who we are

manages contributors, runs social media, copy editing, leads the direction of & creates content, photography, lettering, layout design, printing
photo teacher, freelance photographer, lettering artist
Cara spends most of her time working, but when she's not she's decorating houses in The Sims or Animal Crossing.
manages store partnerships, contributor coordination, all the business stuff, answers customer emails and messages, troubleshoots problems with orders and processes, and ships each and every order that we get
senior software engineer
Originally from PA, Bob uses his weekends to fix up his house and enjoy quality time with his two cats.

Our Contributors


adinda de boer adindadeboer.com 

agata deja foodpornveganstyle.blogspot.com

aileen mcgraw aileenmcgraw.com

alicia kennedy la-pirata.com

alicja rokicka wegannerd.blogspot.com

alex bachert alexbachert.com

alex gibbs alexgibbsphotos.com

alexander harvey invegetableswetrust.com

alge ramanauskiene instagram.com/alge_ram

ali metzger eatveganfood.com

alyssa kropp alyssakropp.com

allyson dwyer veggiebunny.com

amanda aldinger

amanda citarella bebeauty.org

amanda mcdowell

amber shea crawley almostveganchef.com

amy hebert elementseven.net

amy moore amymoorephotography.com

ann oliverio anunrefinedvegan.com

anna m. jurik myveganapron.blogspot.com

anna powell teeter annapowellteeter.com

anne brink

antonia magor antoniamagor.com 

arthur ravenscrag thedrunkencoracle.tumblr.com

ashlae w. ohladycakes.com

ashley keys

austin bay teandstories.com

ava szajna-hopgood - shakeguacandroll.com


beathe schieldrop medomhu.com

beatrice helman - beatricehelman.com

becky hughes blairfoodproject.com

becky waddell becleanshop.com

beth cramer - beth-fury.net

b.j. epstein - awaywithwords.se

bree rody-mantha urban-garlic.com



cadey montana instagram.com/cadeyrobyn

caitlin keegan - caitlinkeegan.com

callie waldman - twitter.com/chefcallie

calvin d. eaton theglutenfreechefblog.com

camille becerra - camillebecerra.tv

camilla zuleger zuleger.dk

cara shrock caraschrock.com

carmela bartilomo @ela_brat

carmen varner - itscarmen.com

caroline macfarlane galgalz.ca

casey lister caseyjoylister.com

charlotte cox theteapotexplodes.co.uk

charlotte coy @cemcoy

chitra agrawal - abcdsofcooking.com & brooklyndelhi.com

christina anca - talesofakitchen.com

christina wilmowski paperbagblog.wordpress.com

christine desroches - mynaturalkitchenblog.com

corey wrenn - veganfeministnetwork.com

cori mattli

courtney west -sweetmiscellany.com

cristin nelson cristinnelson.contently.com


dakota kim - twitter.com/dakotakim1

daniel oliver @danielxoliver

daria sulima cukiernia-marzen.blogspot.com

david gianadda

diana chow - herbivorewhore.tumblr.com

dianne wenz - veggiegirl.com

dorota krysinska - plantsontheplate.com

drew tyndell - drewtyndell.com


eleni ifigenia - datecandy.blogspot.com

eline jeanne heartofatraveller.wordpress.com

elise esposito

eliza gladowska - mystorkhouse.blogspot.com

elizabeth dunsby veggieeatsandothertreats.com

elli manoogian-o'dell - byellim.com

emilie berthiaume wildhead.ca 

emily diaczun - emilydiaczunstyling.blogspot.com

emily grandy - figandblack.com

emily stoker - emilystoker.com

emily tapp cortadochronicles.wordpress.com

emma faesi hudelson emmahudelson.com

emy lynn emylynn.com 

erik kallman - thelivingcrock.tumblr.com

erin eberle nourishpdx.squarespace.com

esse elle - thepeoplescookbook.tumblr.com

eva kosmas flores - adventures-in-cooking.com

eve wolftrand

evonne bellefleur evonnebellefleur.com


faye lessler sustaining.life


gabriela iancu - gabrielaiancu.com

garrett swenson garrettswenson.com

georgene h. nunn - randomkitty.net

gina capotini - heartybite.blogspot.com

gubb marit stigson - maritsblogg.blogg.se


hannah fuellenkemper hannahfk.com

hannah messinger - nothingbutdelicious.squarespace.com

hannah stephenson chocolateandchickpeas.co.uk

harriet mcatee - mollyily.wordpress.com

hayden seder - avocadovegan.tumblr.com

heather crosby - yumuniverse.com

heather poire - sundaymorningbananapancakes.yummly.com

heather villa - heathervillawrites.com

holly j coley


isabel putinja isabelwrites.wordpress.com

isobelle o. - vgan-jar.blogspot.com & flickr.com/photos/belle-iso


jacalyn beales jacalynbeales.com

jackie sobon - veganyackattack.com

jade degrio - instagram.com/fantasticat

janet hudson - veganfeast.com

jen bardekoff - urbanfoodcrawl.com

jen fowler - oldfamiliarway.com

jenna blazevich - jennablazevich.com

jennifer busby - jenniferbusby.com

jennifer sorrell - thevegansprout.com

jess arnaudin jessarnaudin.com

jess jones instagram.com/jjessjjones

jessica bose alittlebaker.com 

jessica gilgurd - theoverflowingtable.wordpress.com

jessica hamm communitycomposting.org

jessica perlaza - thekitchensofpinchanddash.com

jessica prescott - wholygoodness.com

jillian lacasse theveggievillager.com

jocelyn lui - thesechains.tumblr.com

jodi kay - happyheartedkitchen.blogspot.com

john shep

julia gartland - juliagartland.com

julia shaw

justyn ianucci - justyniannucci.com

justyna ledwoch - readeat.pl

juventina hahn


kaavya ramesh

karine babayan - feelingood.tumblr.com

k.i. hope - kihope.com

karine brighten vegfoodevents.com & kbrightenevents.com

karlen chase instagram.com/thisiskarlen

karolina wiercigroch - dine-dash.com & karolina-wiercigroch.com

kat franchino - katfranchino.com

kat marshello kmarshello.com

kate dollarhyde - earthquake-weather.com

kate weiner katerweiner.com

katherine ryan - tobegreatful.tumblr.com

kathie lapcevic - homespunseasonalliving.com

kathy hester - healthyslowcooking.com

kayleigh baddeley-read - deerlybelovedbakery.blogspot.com


kayleigh kosmas craftsandacat.com

keara mcgraw kearamcgrawcreative.com

kelly beth twig-leaf.com

kelly lin

kelsey cole kelseycole.com

kelsey davis

kendall lauren kendalllauren.com

kendy paxia - missmuffcake.com

kierstan peck nicandkier.blogspot.com

kim lightbody - kimlightbody.net 

kittee berns - xgfx.org

kristen kamp instagram.com/kristenkamp 

kristen nigro kristennigro.wordpress.com/portfolio

kristen perry instagram.com/kristenkperry

kristy cheung kristyjqcheung.com

krysten cooper - kitchencoop.ca

kyle beechey kylebeechey.com 

kyra de vreeze kyraskitchen.com


laura ryan - veganheartbeats.com

laurel morley sweetlaurel.blogspot.com

lauren kodiak - laurenkodiak.com

lauren montanaro spicedplate.blogspot.com

laurie sadowski - lauriesadowski.com & theallergyfreecook.com

lea kralj jager - smallfox.net

leigh-chantelle - vivalavegan.net

lesley hobbs opentoabundance.com

line tscherning damgaard peaceloveveganfood.wordpress.com

lisa dawn angerame - lisasprojectvegan.com

live fleischhacker livfleischhacker.com

lok yung yam

loren lieberthal

louise mullins twohungrybrits.wix.com/blog

lowe elvira bambi robertsdotter @sweetlillovemaker

luke garro - sweetlocalfarm.com

lysa chen - lysachen.com

lyudmila zotova - lyudmilazotova.com


madeline tolle - geography541.com

manon van der zwall - manonvanderzwaal.com

mar calpena - baixagastronomia.cat

marente van der valk

maria theres andersson

marie matter - littlekitchie.com

marisa atula - bitbybitwellness.com

margo morrill - chefmargopage.com

marianna medynska coutellerie.pl

marlie centawer - barefootandfrolicking.com

marta madigan - przepisnaameryke.blogspot.com

marti sans & mircia pérez - 365mm.cat/en/

mary councell

mati michael mywifeisvegan.com

megan cheney

megan cole - megancolefreelancer.wordpress.com

meggan marie

meghan louttit - theblackenedbrvnch.tumblr.com

meister - thenervouscook.com

melanie hayes - experiments-in-bliss.com

melanie manuel celesta.restaurant

melissa bechter - vegenista.com

melissa meyer - msmelissameyer.com

meredith napolitano - salvegging.blogspot.com

miachel pruett - spicedcuriosity.com

michael & masha theminimalistvegan.com

michelle cassar being-pall.com

mireille capiau - mireillecapiau.nl

molly mackenzie @mmack12

morgan eccleston - forealslife.com

morwenna calow veggieblackboard.com


natalie rae good - theveganette.blogspot.com 

nelle clark nelleclark.com

nicole gallagher - littledemon.org

nicole mackinnon - nicollemackinnon.contently.com

nicole maree - nicolemaree.com

nicole rivas nicolemrivas.com

nikki haney - thetolerantvegan.com

noemi iza - cocinadenihacc.wordpress.com


olga zhukov instagram.com/xolgagax


paige st. john patterson paigestjohn.com

paige schmidt paigeschmidt.com

pamela fergusson pamelafergusson.com

patty macrae

paula moore

penelope rose kitchenbeet.com


rachael peskanov

rachel gerry

rachelle sartini garner - rachellesartinigarner.com

rhiannon leifheit tyndell - liebemarlene.com

richard de fino richarddefino.com 

riia berg - riiaeatsright.tumblr.com

rita patel 

rocio graves letitbecosy.com


sadie dempsey - ambermoments.wordpress.com

samantha puc theverbalthing.com 

sara lynn paige - saralynnpaige.com

sarah mcminn - thesweetlifeonline.com

sarah mcneil - 400pencils.com

sarah smith thegardendeli.co.uk

sarah witman sarahwitman.com

sasha gora - paperdollparade.blogspot.ca

sean james mackenney

selin jessa instagram.com/selinjessa

selva wohlgemuth - poppiesandpapayas.blogspot.com

sevrenne sheppard instagram.com/sevrenne

shahla rashid - myberkeleykitchen.com

sharon brenner - recordsintheden.com

sharon lee hart - farmanimalsanctuaryproject.com

shelly westerhausen - vegetarianventures.com

sonja gaedicke - sonja-g.tumblr.com

sophia real - realsimplefood.wordpress.com

sophie parsons sophillustrates.com

steph buchanan - vegfortworth.com

stephanie dreyer - veegmama.com

stephanie dougherty - greensageblog.com

stephanie redcross - veganmainstream.com

stephanie mclean villano mykindcloset.com

steven matarazzo - stevenmatarazzo.com

suniti rao instagram.com/sunitirao 

susanne fortunato


tara pelletier - meowmeowtweet.com

taylor garritt instagram.com/taylbone

taylor hultquist - cargocollective.com/taylorbryn

tiffany cadiz - breadwithoutbutter.blogspot.com & writtenatrandom.tumblr.com

tiffany noe - thislastwholeearth.tumblr.com

tricia otto madebyambrosia.com


ula nice - polishvegetarian.blogspot.com & ulanice.blogspot.com


valentina goltara - sweetkabocha.com

valentina solfrini - hortuscuisine.com

valeria necchio - mylifelovefood.com

valery rizzo - valeryrizzo.com

vanessa pastore - hungryface.blogspot.com

veronica an - allwritefornow.wordpress.com

veronica houk

veronica lavenia - veronicalavenia.com

victoria p. davis - vpdginger.tumblr.com


wallace west - wallacewest.com

wendy werneth thenomadicvegan.com


yuan yishuai - organicforms.tumblr.com