The Chickpea Club

The Chickpea Club is a subscribers-only free rewards platform, sort of like Patreon Rewards. You can be subscribed to the magazine digitally or in print and you'll automatically be added to the Club.

Once a month, you get an email with free, exclusive bonus content, usually around what the latest issue's about, including recipes, tips, wallpapers, mini-ebooks and guides, depending on the month.

In addition, you get access to our Close Friends content on Instagram and our Notion digital database of all of the articles, recipes, and DIYs from all the issues in your subscription.

Subscribe here to join the club ☺︎



When does my access start/end?

Within the first four weeks of when you first subscribe, we'll add you to the Club mailing list and you'll receive your first email, with access to all of the rewards.

New content will be added to the archives each month, and with each issue of your subscription.

Your access will end if/when you don't resubscribe. For example, if your subscription ends with issue 39 - as soon as issue 40 comes out online, your Club membership will end and you lose access to the archives, Close Friends, and monthly emails.

I haven't gotten any of the emails, or I stopped getting the emails!

First, make sure you're currently subscribed. Check your email for your order info to see what issues are included. Next, see if you've received any emails from us in your spam inboxes - be sure to whitelist so that they don't end up there. 

If you're a brand new subscriber, be on the lookout - you should receive an email within the first four weeks of subscribing. If not, email us at so we can be sure you're subscribed to the Club emails! 

Rarely, but sometimes, we've heard from subscribers that their email has been unsubscribed, but we can add you back no problem - just email us at

How do I access the issue archives?

We include links to the archives in every Club email we send out, so check there to get access. After heading to the link, there are instructions that'll help you navigate and get the most out of your issues. :)

How do I access your Close Friends content on Instagram?

On Instagram, message us with your name/email you used to subscribe to the mag. 

If your account is public, we can add you right away, and you'll see our stories with a green circle around them as we post. If your account is private, we'll send you a friend request - when you've accepted the request, message again letting us know and we can add you to our Close Friends list.